We take pride in our fleet. We have established policies and practices that guarantee the continuing safety and utility of our aircraft. Maintenance is run by a Maintenance Officer, and dedicated Plane Captains are assigned to each aircraft. All routine maintenance and annuals are handled by a single shop, Blue Ash Aircraft Service, to ensure continuity and quality of service. An ongoing fund is used to upgrade aircraft avionics as new technology is available. These are just some of the ways that we ensure our aircraft continue to meet the needs of our members.
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2001 Cessna 172 - N555FN ($130 / Hr Wet)
1977 Cessna 172 - N2FN ($125 / Hr Wet)
1977 Cessna 172 - N737GE ($130 / Hr Wet)
1998 Cessna 182S Skylane N628FN ($160 / Hr Wet)
1998 Cessna 182S Skylane N9525D ($160 / Hr Wet)
1999 Cessna 206H Stationair N206FN ($190 / Hr Wet)